The BlueShift Story

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Our Story is Unique

We believe that if taught with a focus on creativity, learning to code will not only equip young people with the technical skills they need to excel in the future, but will also teach them critical problem solving skills, develop their confidence, and help them across all of their subjects.

Indeed, we see computing as a field of study that has many cross-curricular applications, from English to Maths to Art. We encourage students to see the projects they make in their wider context and think creatively about what they do in the process.

We make real results happen.

Choose from hundreds of courses and expert articles, and have one of our expert instructors monitor your progress and offer guidance as you work towards your goals.

Unlimited access

Our courses are convenient, can be taken at your own pace and can be repeated as many times as you like until you master the knowledge!

Master your field

Whether you want to start your own business or master a specific field, we have the tools, resources and curriculum to help you succeed.

Interactive content

Interact with our content like you’ve never interacted with content before. You can read articles, watch videos, and work with professionals in a variety of different ways.




I trained as an architect, but had always worked in technology as a user experience (UX) designer. When I was in school, there was no such thing as a UX designer. I’ve now worked in a number of careers that didn’t exist when I was in school - one statistic we like to quote is that 60% of the careers in 20 years don’t exist yet!
This trajectory has only increased, with new tech jobs and new applications for code appearing every year. Many other coding educators advocate a very prescriptive approach to computer programming; however, without encouraging students to engage with tech and realise their own ideas, they will never be properly equipped to work in a rapidly changing world. We know that modern society requires adaptive and innovative thinkers; as a result we encourage students to engage and develop their own processes - both technologically and academically. Indeed, this is a huge reason for why I believe that a coding education is more important than ever - if the society we live in is changing rapidly we have to make sure our education keeps up!

Heather Lyons

Founder and director

Proudly working in partnership with over 20 schools and organisations

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