Camps Scholarships

We are giving free places at our camps for up to 30 students interested in tech!

At BlueShift, we believe in building a strong and diverse community of coders. We strive towards equality of access to education for everyone and to create a classroom and work environment that feels inclusive.

The deadline for applications is 1 month before our camps start.

We're working to bridge the digital skills gap for young people in London.

At BlueShift, we're on a mission to empower young people with the skills to become digital creators, not just consumers. We want to teach all children the key skills they'll need to thrive in a tech-focussed future, and to support their parents and teachers along the way.

With the cost of living crisis ongoing and decrease in computing support that many schools are facing, we believe that it's important now more than ever to make our holiday camps more accessible to those who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend.

Frequently asked questions

What are the requirements for obtaining a BlueShift Camps Scholarship?

We require that the student/family can demonstrate both a financial need and a potential benefit to the student coming to BlueShift camps. 

When will we be notified of the result of our application?

Families will be contacted regarding the result of their application via email between the end of January 

If my child is offered a Camps Scholarship, do I get to pick which class it is for?

A free place will be offered to selected applicants in a specific class based on the student's age and interests as demonstrated in the application form. You will not get to choose; however, if you are offered a free place it will be in a class that is suited to the age and interests of the student.

Are free Camps Scholarships for single days or full weeks?

Free places at Camps are for full weeks! We strongly believe that our students get the best learning experience by attending for a full week. This allows them to better develop both their creative coding skills, and their friendships with their fellow classmates.
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